Artifact Details


Intel 286/310 supermicrocomputer and 311 expansion unit

Catalog Number



Still Image


This is a black and white image of two Intel computer systems stacked on top of one another sitting on a white surface against a dark background. The bottom computer is the 286/310 system with a full size 5 1/4 in. floppy drive. There is a floppy disk labeled "Open Systems" that is sticking in halfway in the floppy drive. The system on top is the 311 peripheral expansion unit that has a 45 MB streaming tape, two 40MB Winchester drives, and a half-height floppy drive. There is a tape in the tape drive. Both systems have the Intel logo on the front side. Written on the white label affixed on verso side of label is "Intel 286/310 supermicrocomputer (bottom) and matching new 311 peripheral expansion unit (top). In this configuration the 311 contains a 45M-byte streaming tape, two 40M-byte Winchesters, and a half-height floppy disk drive. Both units are available as floor-stand models." The light is coming from the direction of the camera which is highlighting the front of the computers.


Circa 1981


Intel Corporation

Identifying Numbers

Other number P4203


8 x 10 in.


Photographic print


Identification photograph; Publicity photograph


Intel Corporation; Intel 286/310 (Computer); Intel 311 (Computer); Intel 286 series (Microprocessor)